The following are the vision and mission statements, the objectives, the policies and strategies which lead the council to its commitments in the Medium Term 2011/2012 – 2015/2016.
To be a model council in delivering social-economic services to the Longido community.
To achieve sustainable utilization of resource for provision of unique quality social economic services to Longido community.
Improve services and reduce HIV/AIDS infection
Enhance, sustain and effective implementation of the National Anti-corruption Strategy
Improve access, quality and equitable social services delivery
Increase quantity and Quality of social services and infrastructure
Enhance Good Governance and Administrative Services
Improve social welfare, gender and community empowerment
Improve Emergency and Disaster Management
LDC commitments and interventions are in line with the development vision 2025, Millennium Development Goals, MKUKUTA, sector policies, The CCM 2015 Election Manifesto and sectoral policies, and the president’s inaugurals speech of the Tanzania National Assembly in Dodoma 18th November, 2010.
The main focus is on scaling up and accelerating economic growth to support social services provision and reduction of poverty among the Longido population the interventions pay attention to the need to sustain prudent and stable macroeconomic frameworks, good governance and accountability at village to council levels. The measures specifically focus on enhancing productivity, building productive capacities, strengthening economic competitiveness and generating stimulus to the economy.
Improving quality of social services and human resources is also the central goal of the Medium Term. The implementation of the medium term interventions would adopt an integrated and outcome approach, whereby sectors would collaborate in order to tap on the synergies and inter-sectoral linkages.
The three areas namely, economic growth, quality of social welfare and wellbeing, good governance are reinforcing each other.
MKUKUTA Strategies are used to draw up priority activities which are consistent with sustaining the pro-growth interventions, creating conducive environment for private sector development, improving the quality of social services delivery while fostering good governance and accountability.
LDC also took note of the main focus of the government’s efforts in main streaming cross- cutting issues including environmental protection, gender equity, HIV/AIDS control and capacity building to further the government policy of Decentralization by Devolution (D by D).
Table 4: Sector Policies and strategies
Name of Sector
Sector Objectives
Sector Policy
Agriculture and Livestock
Increased and Improved crops and Livestock
Mobilize and utilize available recourses to modernize agriculture/livestock intervention
Improved and increased equity and Quality of education delivered
Tanzania education Policy (1995) increase primary school performance from 31% to 60% and 43 to 60% for secondary school.
Improve community accessibility to quality health services
Increase health infrastructure in 41 villages
Improve Reproductive and Child health Reduce HIV/AIDS prevalence. Involvement of community on health services |
Increased availability of clean and safe water for domestic, livestock and wildlife use.
Infant mortality rate from 32/100 from 20/1000 by June, 2015. |
i. Tanzania Water Development Policy (2002)
Works (Roads)
To ensure road accessibility to all 41 villages.
Road sector Policy (1996)
Administration and management
Efficient, effective and transparency good governance
i. Manpower management policy 1999.
ii.Local government reform policy 2010 |
Community development
i. Community, development policy
ii. Child development policy 1998 iii. Gender and development policy |
Involvement of both women and men in decision making.
Community awareness rising human rights Enhance equal opportunity of resource ownership and accessibility of services |
Cooperative and value adding to products
Create an enabling environment for common access credit for production
i. Linking livestock keepers and farmers to credit institutions so as to enable them increase value of their products through storage / harvesting processing and marketing.
Arusha- Namanga Road, Longido Town
Postal Address: S.L.P 84 Longido Arusha
Telephone: 027-2539603
Mobile: 0756395889
Copyright ©2016 Longido DC . All rights reserved. Designed by Loth Zacharia & Joseph Peter Mkumbwa Sponsored by GWF TAMISEM