As was reported in various reports of the district, agriculture is the second source of livelihoods for the residents of Longido district, the first being livestock keeping as it employs about 84 percent of the district workforce. Moreover, most agricultural households ranked annual crop farming as an activity that provided most of their cash income in East Longido after livestock and natural resources/forestry.
The district produces maize, paddy, round potatoes and beans as food crops. However, Longido people also sometimes use food crops as cash crops in order to enhance their incomes and ensure food availability throughout the year. But crop production levels in Longido district are still very low mainly due to small available area for crop production, inferior agricultural implements, and the usage of out-dated agricultural methods, pest problems, soil exhaustion and increasingly soil infertility.
Arusha- Namanga Road, Longido Town
Postal Address: S.L.P 84 Longido Arusha
Telephone: 027-2539603
Mobile: 0756395889
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